Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bucket list

Fitness Goals
1. 5K - Dec 2013
2. 10K April 2014(0:54)
3. Sprint Tri (super sprint Sep 14, 2014 )
4. 1/2 marathon
5. Olympic Tri
6. Off Road Tri
7. Mountain bike series at Kelso 2014 with kids-2014
8. Marathon
9. Play hockey for a year
10. 1/2 Ironman
11. Great Wall of China
12. Cycling camp

Financial Goals
1. Catch up with RRSP  Dec 2013
2. Setup 10% fund

4. Get vacation property. Pay house by 2020 - not sure i want this anymore
5. Earn 100K a year

Knowledge Goals
1. Learn French

Social & Family Goals
1. Host 6 parties a year
2. Have a trip with a friends
3. Trip without kids

Traveling Goals
1. Mount Senai
2. Trip out of country yearly(excluding Caribean)
3. Camp at Grand Canyon
4. Cruise
5. Mount Elbrus
6. New Zeland
7. Mont Blanc
8. Dubai

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

ЛІТО 2013

Літо почалось відпочинком на Кубі:

Потім був випускний:

Літо продовжуеться. Один з найкращих тижнів канікул на пластовму таборі Новий Сокіл.

А цього тижня хокей: